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Database leader FairCom celebrates 40 years of providing fast, reliable solutions

Future bright for data management software company

COLUMBIA, Mo. — One of the most trusted names in the database management system industry, FairCom Corporation, turned 40 years old today. Since its founding, the company has been a pioneer in the software industry, with millions of deployments and more than 40 members of the Fortune 100 using FairCom database solutions.    

“FairCom’s history is one of innovation, speed, and longevity. Our technology has evolved so that FairCom products can be used to modernize legacy systems, enhance data management in traditional settings, and provide database operations in the world of the Internet of Things,” COO Alysha Brown said. “Our success is due to a highly experienced, determined team and rock-solid technology.”  

Shortly after its founding, FairCom began making its mark in the data management sector as one of the first companies to offer a commercial package using B+tree indexing. The legacy of innovation continues today, with FairCom being one of the first companies to develop a database solution built specifically for use in edge computing and IoT (Internet of Things) environments.

Today, FairCom’s product line is anchored by the FairCom DB unified multimodel database, which delivers predictable high-velocity transactions and massively parallel big data analytics. It empowers developers with NoSQL APIs for processing binary data at machine speed and ANSI SQL for easy queries and analytics over the same binary data. Among the companies that take advantage of FairCom DB’s flexibility is Verizon, which recently chose DB for its Verizon Intelligent Network Control Platform Transaction Server Migration—In-Memory Database solicitation.  

The same technology used in FairCom DB also powers the FairCom Edge IoT platform, which enables organizations to not only reliably manage their data in IoT and IIoT environments but also opens the door for them to make mission-critical decisions at or near the collection point. Edge v2, released in June, includes new features such as automatic data aggregation, massively parallel data replication and OPC UA support.

FairCom’s product line also includes the FairCom RTG data management solution for legacy systems. RTG allows organizations using technologies like COBOL to modernize their systems or migrate to a new one easily.

“FairCom’s forty-year track record of innovation in the high-performance database market is only a prelude to what is coming. In the next few years, FairCom will release new database technologies that will change the database industry as we know it,” said Mike Bowers, FairCom’s chief architect. “Our next-generation database technology builds upon the extreme performance capabilities of FairCom’s database engine to deliver new forms of data faster and with less developer effort than any other database.”

FairCom was founded in 1979 in Columbia, Mo., and now also has regional offices in Milan, São Paolo, and Salt Lake City. The global companies and organizations that have trusted FairCom for their database needs are OpenText, UPS, Software AG, Rockwell Automation, Henry Schein, Motorola Solutions, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration, and Thomson Reuters.

Last Update:
July 15, 2024
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