JSON Meets a SQL Database

FairCom DB is a modern, full-featured database optimized for low-cost, on-premises application development. Our multimodel engine offers high-velocity transactions with JSON, SQL, and record buffer APIs. 

Download FairCom DB

The benefits of FairCom DB

DB blends low costs with high speed. Whether you need a JSON database, microservice database, or traditional ISAM, FairCom DB can do it—all at a lower cost than our leading competitors.

Easy App Development with JSON API
FairCom DB lets you use both SQL and JSON simultaneously over the same data.

Simplify data management, querying, and batch processing with simple JSON commands.
Quicker Time-to-Market
Reduce development time with JSON and copy-paste development. Use our built-in API Explorer to easily create JSON actions. 

Spend less time fighting code and more time delivering features.
Lower TCO
Fewer licenses, easier deployment, less upkeep—did we mention FairCom DB is self-tuning?

Scale sustainably without purchasing additional servers. Save costs with minimal DBA workload.
Everything You Need, All in One
There’s no need to purchase multiple database technologies.

FairCom DB gives you JSON, SQL, key-value, and ISAM capabilities over the same data, within the same database server.

Our solutions at work

of deployments across 
100+ countries
server uptime
years refining database technology
tech support satisfaction
See Our Latest Version

There's even more with DB v13

Our latest incarnation of FairCom DB brings the simplicity of JSON to our database. Manage DB servers and develop applications with basic JSON commands—and that's only one of the many new features.

Learn more about v13

Versatility without complexity

FairCom database does the work of multiple databases, including JSON, key-value, SQL, search, and time series. Using multiple APIs over the same data reduces costs by simplifying development, reducing the number of database servers, and eliminating costly data synchronization between different database servers.

  "action": "getRecordsByIndex",
  "params": {
    "tableName": "orders",
    "indexName": "salesdate",
    "skipRecords": 0,
    "maxRecords": 20
  "action": "getRecordsUsingSQL",
  "params": {
    "sql": "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE items MATCH 'milk AND cookies';"
  "action": "getRecordsByIds",
  "params": {
    "tableName": "orders",
    "ids": [ 1 ]
  "id": 1,
  "customer": {
    "gender": "M",
    "name": "George Jetson",
    "rewardsMember": true
  "items": [
      "name": "Whole Milk",
      "price": 3.5,
      "quantity": 1,
      "size": "gallon"
      "name": "Chocolate Cookies",
      "price": 3.5,
      "quantity": 2,
      "size": "double pack"
  "salesDate": "2023-12-04"
  "action": "createTable",
  "params": {
    "tableName": "orders",
    "fields": [
      { "name": "salesDate", "type": "date" },
      { "name": "totalCost", "type": "money", "scale": 4 },
      { "name": "customer",  "type": "JSON",  "nullable": false },
      { "name": "items",     "type": "JSON",  "nullable": false },
      { "name": "notes",     "type": "varchar", "length": 65500 }
  "action": "createIndex",
  "params": {
    "tableName": "orders",
    "indexName": "salesDate",
    "fields": [ { "name": "salesDate" } ]
  "action": "runSQLStatements",
  "params": {
    "sqlStatements": [
      "CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX orders_customer_fts ON orders(customer)",
      "CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX orders_items_fts    ON orders(items)"
  "action": "insertRecords",
  "params": {
    "tableName": "orders",
    "sourceData": [
        "salesDate": "2023-12-04",
        "totalCost": 7,
        "notes": "No Tax. Yay!",
        "customer": {
          "name": "George Jetson",
          "gender": "M",
          "rewardsMember": true
        "items": [
            "name": "Whole Milk",
            "size": "gallon",
            "quantity": 1,
            "price": 3.5
            "name": "Chocolate Cookies",
            "size": "double pack",
            "quantity": 2,
            "price": 3.5

Test FairCom DB in your environment

Get started with FairCom DB’s easy installation. Test out DB Developer’s Edition and see its speed and simplicity firsthand.

Try FairCom DB Free

Get your data quickly with FairCom DB’s record buffers

Dealing with large amounts of data can kill processing speeds—But not with FairCom DB. Keep operations efficient regardless of size with record buffering.

FairCom DB stores records in binary buffers. This eliminates layers of data processing by pulling data directly from memory onto disk and back again—as opposed to the many layers required for SQL queries.

Get a Demo

Let’s walk through DB together

Meet with our experts for a personalized introduction to FairCom DB. We'll show you the power of combining the simplicity of a JSON database with the capabilities of a SQL database.

Talk with us

The power behind FairCom DB

Multiple APIs Over the Same Data
Pull data whichever way works best for you: JSON, SQL, CTDB, and ISAM APIs are all in FairCom DB’s toolset. Unlike other databases, DB runs APIs over the same data set—meaning you get consistency even with real-time updates.
More Than Key-Value
Start with a key-value database, then push it further. Add thousands of secondary indexes for range queries that walk and skip data forward and backward. Use DB’s ISAM API for record-buffer data processing.
Optimized for Embedding
Embed FairCom DB for incredible query speeds, even when batch processing. Improve your analytics, data warehousing, and machine learning. Wherever your data is going, DB leads the way.
All Your Systems on the Same Page
Stay current with data change events with DB Notify, which publishes events as JSON messages. Get guaranteed, real-time delivery to unlimited subscribers. Eliminate data silos through DB Notify and its integration with MQTT, AMQP, and Kafka.
High-Performance, Low-Latency
FairCom DB is optimized for predictable, consistent low-latency. Maintain high throughput even in demanding, transaction-heavy environments. When you need real-time data with minimal delays, FairCom DB has your back.
Replication & HA/DR
Maintain high availability and disaster recovery. Designate additional servers for reporting, analytics, and batch processing as needed. Flexible replication options support ACID compliance or eventual consistency as needed.

Motorola trusts FairCom DB for emergency response software

Real-time emergencies require real-time decisions and interventions. That's why Motorola turned to FairCom DB to power its 911 public safety software.

Hundreds of public safety organizations use Motorola's Spillman Flex software to coordinate emergency responses. The Flex suite allows fast, simple access to real-time data, enabling our emergency responders and dispatchers to better care for our communities—and FairCom DB is what makes that happen.

Read the full story
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