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FairCom Evolved: A fresh look for our website

You may have noticed we’ve done some redecorating on our site. In fact, we’ve redone it entirely!

This refreshed website experience is the latest piece of the FairCom Evolution. We rolled out our updated brand identity, colors, and style guides earlier this year. These updates were the first step in pushing FairCom into a brighter future. Our new website is the next step in this pursuit of growth. These updates are not just about aesthetics; but about embodying our commitment to innovation and user-centric design.

The new faircom.com is meticulously designed to provide an intuitive, user-friendly experience. From improved navigation to faster load times, we’ve implemented the latest and best practices in UX/UI to ensure that your time on faircom.com is nothing short of exceptional.

Our vision for this website is to create a hub for information, resources, and seamless interactions with FairCom. With special emphasis on accessibility standards and design best practices, we’ve made sure that our website is accessible to all users and a true step into a more modern and fresh design space.

As we continue to evolve and innovate, we invite you to stay connected with us through our newly redesigned website. Explore our updated branding, learn more about our products and solutions, and stay tuned for exciting announcements about upcoming product releases and updates.

We would love to hear from you with any comments or feedback about the new website (or if you want to say hello!). You can submit anonymously or leave your email if you’d like to hear more from us in the future.

Thank you for your continued support of FairCom. We’re excited to continue this evolution with you!

Alysha Brown
Chief Revenue Officer

Last Update:
July 15, 2024
Authored by:
Alysha Brown