RTG v5: Bringing Simplicity to COBOL
FairCom RTG v5 refreshes your COBOL application, giving stability, scalability, and simple access to your COBOL data.
From JSON to HA/DR to the JavaScript v8 engine, RTG comes packed with features that enhance and stabilize you app’s capabilities.
COBOL data files meet JSON simplicity
The new JSON DB API lets you use simple JSON commands by automatically mapping your data to JSON.
You can use the API to manage all your operations, including quickly building web applications and services. It also lets you query legacy COBOL data with JSON (and return the results as a JSON document!).

Quickly modify tables—even with billions of records
FairCom RTG v5 introduces Hot Alter Table. Immediately change modify table schemas without rewriting all records, and store multiple schemas within a single table.
Stay on top of data changes with DB Notify
Push data changes from RTG to your enterprise systems, allowing you to integrate with cloud systems, Kafka, web services, and more.
You can also use the JavaScript engine to transform the change data, allowing you to clean it, transform values, and update or add new properties.
Note: DB Notify requires purchase of a FairCom MQ license.
Unified COBOL data formats
Version 5 introduces a new unified data header format. This gives RTG users access to all the best features of FairCom DB, our JSON database.
All files created in RTG v5 are in this format, and files from earlier versions can be converted into the Unified Data Type format if needed.
Let the experts guide you
We would love to walk you through all of v5's new features. Schedule a meeting for a personalized demo with our developers.